Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I did Plyometrics yesterday.  I was hoping that this far into the program, I would be able to complete this workout full out, not skipping any sets.  Well, that's not happening!  Its SO hard!  Makes me sweat my butt off and makes my hear rate jump in the 180s!  Anyways, before the warm up starts, Tony made a comment about Plyo being love/hate.  And that made me think about all the things I love and hate about P90x.  Here's my list:

I hate watching my sugar intake.
I love that I am learning to really think
about what I eat.

I hate that I feel guilty drinking my 2nd cup of coffee.

I love that I am finally drinking more
green tea now to replace the coffee!

I hate YogaX!

I love Core Synergistics!

I hate how there are people who
don't believe they can BRING IT!

I love my improved self image and confidence!

I hate AbRipperX

I LOVE AbRipperX

I love how much I've pushed passed
the limits my 'mind' created.

I love my abs!

I love my new found drive/determination
and endurance!

I love the P90x Recovery Shake!

I love Cat stretch!

Wow.... looks like the 'love' column wins.  As usual :)
I am documenting this in my blog so that its the equivalent of setting it in stone.  But mark my words - I WILL COMPLETE PLYOMETRICS by the end of my 90 days - doing every exercise to the max!


  1. Thanks for the comment! Yah, I did p90x - ended in September of last year - and just started insanity for the 1000th time - after dealing with a stupid leg injury. Tony drives me NUTS. And Shaun T is fine... except for lately, I've just been okay, you just sound stupid now. lol On p90x I only use music and cues, and wish there was a "music and cues" for yoga on Tony. I hate how much he talks during it.

  2. Oh plyo-how I hate thee! I'm the same way. I really want to be able to do it all but seeing that I can make it a little further each week helps!

    I'm so happy you commented on my blog so could find yours!!!!

  3. I just read your blog and I guess we were thinking the same thing about P90X being a love/hate relationship, lol. But man, Plyo is the worst. I have your same goal of by the end of the 90 days I hope that I can do everything in the workout intensely.

  4. ohh and I know what you mean about the coffee! who knew drinking a coffee was a cheat??

    i have a friend coming over for coffee this evening and i'm still debating if i should drink coffee or be good and drink decaf tea. ohh those hard decisions.

  5. Very good list! I agree on a few for sure, hate yoga x, love core synergistics! I really need to start following the diet better and watch my sugar too.

  6. Love the list, well done, and sooo encouraged that the goal here is to own Plyo by day 90--not day 2! Thanks for reading.

  7. Hey, just found your blog through another I read... Keep at Plyo, you'll be killing it by the end! :)

  8. Keep it up! It brings back memories!

  9. What a great list and is very encouraging to read. I too love not having a belly (abs are coming in slowly...but the gut is gone.) Great reading!

  10. I hate plyo... and I've been cheating... I've been swapping it out for days I have MMA classes and doing the workout that fell on my MMA day on plyo day :P I am hoping that when I try it again, the other stuff will have helped me be able to conquer it better? lol Love your love hate list though!
