Friday, January 14, 2011


Goals are one of those things that people set - and forget.  Or some people use them to keep themselves super motivated.  I think the fitness aspect of life is definitely one of those things that helps when you create goals.  Otherwise, how do you know when you've reached a new level?

Well, here is the look I am going for:
I think this look is perfect.  Not so muscular that she has lost her femininity at all.  But enough to where you know she takes this seriously and looks Ah-Mazing!
While I am definitely enjoying P90x - I am not sure if it will get me here or not....  Maybe if I did a 2nd round, my arms and abs would be close....but not legs.  I think that is one thing that P90x skimps on a little bit.  I mean, between Plyo, Kenpo and Legs/Back, you are certainly working your legs....but you're not building/strength training them as much as I would like and need.

Speaking of Legs/Back.... Week 6, Day 5 was yesterday.  I had an awesome workout.  My pull up numbers are going up and up... but I still am not able to do them w/out a chair.  Those wall squats are KILLER!  I think this is the first time I did them w/out coming out of the squat early.  So, yay!  Another milestone :)

Anyways - I guess I'm about half-way thru!  Time to take new progress pics and measurements.  Can't wait to see if there is any change.

Thanks for following along :)

1 comment:

  1. I think that look is a great goal. I think the best part about it is if you keep the same dedication it is definitely an achievable goal. BTW, I personally love the wall squats.
